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Town of Holly


2014-1         Official Public Notice Location and Official Newspaper
2014-2         Appoint Election Judges & Establish Pay
2014-3         Canceling Town Election to be Held April 1, 2014
2014-4         Est Access to Public Records/Policies/Procedures
2014-5         Approving the TEF Subdivision
2014-6         Reaffirming the Town's Obligations to ARPA
2014-7         Adopting SE CO Hazard Mitigation Plan
2014-8         Superceding 2006-6 Low-Income Energy Assistance
2014-9         Dates for 2015 Regular Meetings of the Board of Trustees
2014-10       Authorizing Rate Adjustments (Water & Sewerage)
2014-11       Holly Housing Participation in Risk Sharing Agency
2015-1         Official Public Notice Location and Official Newspaper
2015-2         Authorizing the Sale of Town Equipment
2015-3         Amending Res 2005-2 Penalties on Delinquent Accts
2015-4         Dates for 2016 Regular Meetings of the Board of Trustees
2015-5         Authorizing Rate Adjustments (Water & Sewerage)
2016-1         Adopting Purchasing Policy
2016-2         Dates for 2017 Regular Meetings of the Board of Trustees
2016-3         Authorizing Rate Adjustments (Water & Sewerage)
2017-1         Approving Settlement Lamar & ARPA
2017-2         Authorizing Participation Rural Jump-Start Program
2017-3         Authorizing Participation in Trust for Investment
2017-4         Supporting CO Lottery Division in 2018
2017-5         Dates for 2018 Regular Meetings of the Board of Trustees
2017-6         Authorizing Rate Adjustments (Water & Sewerage)
2017-7         Authorizing Rates for Appliances & Electronic Devices
2018-1         Official Public Notice Location and Newspaper
2018-2         Appoint Election Judges and Establish Pay
2018-3         Acknowledging Refunding Bonds ARPA
2018-4         Ratifying & Confirming 2018-3 Refunding Bonds ARPA
2018-5         Authorizing Rate Adjustments (Water and Sewerage)
2018-6         Dates for 2019 Regular Meetings of the Board of Trustees
2019-1         Official Public Notice Location and Newspaper
2019-2         Authorizing Sale of Real Property
2019-3         Dates for 2020 Regular Meetings of the Board of Trustees
2020-1         Official Public Notice Location and Newspaper
2020-2         Appoint Election Judges and Establish Pay
2020-3         Authorizing Rate Adjustments Sanitation
2020-4         Declaring a Local Disaster Emergency (COVID-19)
2020-5         Redesignating Fund Garbage Truck to Capital Expenditures
2020-6         Authorizing Rate Adj to Water/Sewer Taps
2020-7         Authorizing the Sale of Town Equipment
2020-8         Dates for 2021 Regular Meetings of the Board of Trustees
2021-1         Official Public Notice Location and Newspaper


2021-2         Concerning Petition for Annexation Tract 1
2021-3         Concerning Petition for Annexation Tract 2
2021-4         Concerning Petition for Annexation Tract 3
2021-5         Concerning Eligibility for Annex Tract 1
2021-6         Concerning Eligibility for Annex Tract 2
2021-7         Concerning Eligibility for Annex Tract 3

2021-8         Superseding 2007-9 & 2011-1 Rental Rates RV Park
2021-9         Auth Acceptance Real Prop Bid-Dollar General FAILED
2021-10       Authorizing the Sale of Town Equipment
2021-11       Dates for 2022 Regular Meetings of the Board of Trustees
2022-1         Official Public Notice Location and Newspaper
2022-2         Cancelling Town Election to be held April 5, 2022
2022-3         Opting out of CO Paid Medical Leave Ins Program (FAMLI)
2022-4         Authorizing Sale of Real Property (east)
2022-5         Dates for 2023 Regular Meetings of the Board of Trustees
2023-1         Official Public Notice Location and Newspaper
2023-2         Concerning Access to Financial Accounts
2023-3         Disconnection of Utilities Delinquent Accounts
2023-4         Opposing Statewide Proposal Proposition HH
2023-5         Opting in Prop 123 Affordable Housing
2023-6         Opposing Change Transportation Planning Region
2023-7         Amending Ord 545 Sewer Class-Yard Watering
2023-8         Dates for 2024 Regular Meetings of the Board of Trustees
2023-9         Auth Town Treas-Administrator Grant Projects
2024-1         Official Public Notice Location and Newspaper
2024-2         Appoint Election Judges and Establish Pay
2024-3         Implementation of 1% Sales Tax Increase
2024-4         Opposing Entry Illegal Immigrants in Town of Holly
2024-5         Superseding 2014-4 Establishing Access to Public Records
2024-6         Amending Ord 521 Prohibiting Driving/Parking Trucks


501          Establishing Bldg Permit Fees, Superseding 187, 221, 484
502          Adjusting Electric Rates - FAILED
503          Establishing Large Power Primary Electric Rate
504          Adopt a Budget for 2015
505          Appropriate Sums of Money for 2015
506          Set Mill Levies
507          Adopt a Budget for 2016
508          Appropriate Sums of Money for 2016
509          Set Mill Levies
510          Supplemental Appropriation
511          Water Backflow Cross Connection
512          Franchise agreement Atmos Gas
513          Adopting Municipal Code
514          Set Mill Levies
515          Adopt a Budget for 2017
516          Appropriate Sums of Money for 2017
517          Adopt a Budget for 2018
518          Appropriate Sums of Money for 2018
519          Set Mill Levies
520          Supplemental Appropriations
521          Prohibiting Driving or Parking of Trucks
522          ARPA & SE CO Power-TAKEN OFF TABLE
523          Clarifying Street Numbers-TAKEN OFF TABLE
524          Adopt a Budget for 2019
525          Appropriate Sums of Money for 2019
526          Set Mill Levies
527          Adopt a Budget for 2020
528          Appropriate Sums of Money for 2020
529          Set Mill Levies
530          Adjusting Electric Rates - FAILED
531          Adopt a Budget for 2021
532          Appropriate Sums of Money for 2021
533          Set Mill Levies
534          Supplemental Appropriation
535          Recounting and Affirming Holly Landfill Closure
536          Transferring Public Library to TOH (superseding Ord 372)
537          Creating a Planning Commission


538-T1          Concerning Annexation Tract 1
538-T2          Concerning Annexation Tract 2
538-T3          Concerning Annexation Tract 3
539-T1          Concerning Designation Tract 1
539-T2          Concerning Designation Tract 2
539-T3          Concerning Designation Tract 3

540          Adopting the 2020 Edition "Model Traffic Code"
541          Establishing a Municipal Court NOT of record
542          Adopt a Budget for 2022
543          Appropriate Sums of Money for 2022
544          Set Mill Levies
545          Imposition of Water and Sewer User Fees
546          Water, Sewer, Electric Infrastructure Fee - RESCINDED
547          Adopt a Budget for 2023
548          Appropriate Sums of Money for 2023
549          Set Mill Levies
550          Regulating Mobile Homes
551          Adopt a Budget for 2024
552          Appropriate Sums of Money for 2024
553          Set Mill Levies
554          Increasing Sales Tax One Percent; Election 4/2/2024
555          Amending Ord 339 Regarding Elections & Write-ins
556          Amending Ord 553 Mill Levies
557          General Offenses Granada/Holly Police
558          Animal Control Granada/Holly Police