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Town of Holly


Recreation opportunities are abundant in the Holly area. Along with the local school district which provides a wide variety of student activities and athletic events, town residents enjoy the availability of parks and ball fields, swimming pool, playgrounds, hunting and fishing, a movie theater, a senior and community center, and organized recreation programs and leagues.

The Grant McCormick Memorial Ball Field located on West Highway 50 is a tribute to a former Town Manager. Grant McCormick was instrumental in obtaining GOCO grant monies that made the project feasible, as well as building the facility and adding improvements to the property. The ball field is a popular gathering place throughout the warm weather months for league playing and 'one day' field events held in conjunction with annual town events.

Holly Gateway Park is located at the site of "Old Horse Creek". The creek formerly ran its course through town from north to south, but was diverted by canal a number of years ago. The original creek bed was backfilled and planted to trees and grass, providing a green area in the midst of town. The park is enjoyed year-round as it offers playground equipment, park tables, and a shelter awning with concrete floor.

Near the High School football field is the Swimming Pool Park. This area is enhanced with playground equipment and a beautiful gazebo which was placed in memoriam of area resident, Harry Steele. This park is a favorite staging area for birthday parties, family reunions, school rallies, school reunions, and impromptu gatherings.

Holly parks are open to the public year-round free of charge and without reservation.