JUNE 10-12, 2022
Grab your lawn chairs and head down the road to Holly, Colorado the second weekend in June. The annual Holly Bluegrass Festival is held at the permanent venue, Gateway Park, in conjunction with Holly Days which commemorates Holly's recovery from the 1965 flood. It is a fun-filled time for the entire family. and it's FREE!
FRIDAY NIGHT AT THE PARK - Begins with delicious eats prepared by the Holly Bluegrass Committee from 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. Your evening entertainment will include a taste of the tantalizing talent to perform on Saturday. Don’t forget your chair and your appetite so you can enjoy selections from the bands after you satisfy your tummy!
Kicks off at 10:30 a.m. with several excellent bands. "Arizona Wildflowers", "Orchard Creek Band", "Stanleytones Bluegrass Band", and "Tender Foot Bluegrass". Besides good music, there will be a variety of vendor booths offering food and crafts, etc. Kid's games and activities throughout the day will enhance the family entertainment.
SUNDAY SERVICE - Featured artist will be Tried by Fire beginning at 10:30 a.m. Join us for great gospel singing, worship and fellowship.